Videos » Entertainment » Battlestar Galactica Trailer (An Intro To BSG)

Battlestar Galactica Trailer (An Intro To BSG)

This is an introductory trailer to those who have never seen BSG or those who enjoy watching it over and over. This hopefully can fill a newbie in enough to avoid watching the 3 hour long pilot. (It's great but soooooo long). Some of the transitions are rough (Trust me, I know), but hopefully the end result was good. Thanks for watching. Please subscribe, rate, comment, and like!
Posted January 1, 2012 - Filed in Entertainment - #bsg  #battlestar  #galactica  #trailer  #cylon  #kara  #Adama  #Baltar  #series  #robots  #Film  #intro  #human  #Lee  #Gaius  #Space  #miniseries  #mini  #Scyfy  #sithman  #25 
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