Videos » Entertainment » Battlestar Galactica Complete Series - Product Review - BluRay

Battlestar Galactica Complete Series - Product Review - BluRay The Complete Series of Battlestar Galactica has been released by Universal. It has 20 discs including the mini-series, Razor, and all 75 episodes. I like having the complete series set so I don't have to wait from episode to episode. If you've been collecting the DVDs as they've been released, the features are a reason for you to upgrade to BluRay. As a little background for those of you who aren't fans, but are curious, Battlestar Galactica takes place far away from our solar system to an area of space that has twelve colonies spread out across twelve planets. Humanity is so advanced that space exploration is commonplace, technology is abundant, and artificial intelligence is in demand. We've always been a bit skeptical about artificial intelligence, and for good reason as this series points out -- humanity paid for it four decades earlier. This series centers around the "Cylons" which were created to serve man, but they ended up rebelling against their creators. The BluRay Edition comes with features every Sci-Fi fan would enjoy: It utilizes BD-live, giving you access to online content if your player is connected to the internet. There's the U-Control feature which includes "The Oracle" which gives you information about the ship and the characters. Battlestar Blips are on-screen factoids. Battlestar Actual is a glossary of terms. Picture in Picture shows behind the scenes interviews which appear on the bottom of the screen while the video is running. These are just some of the features that should make you want to pick this set up at at a substantial savings.
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