Videos » Entertainment » Last 4 1/2 minutes of Caprica - Apotheosis

Last 4 1/2 minutes of Caprica - Apotheosis

Posted by Kim Nighengale
The very end of Caprica. Too bad, the last few episodes were really good if they had just given it a chance instead of jumping the gun to cancel it. I think this was a clever way to go about it instead of just ending with cliffhangers. All copyrights and licenses for Caprica belong to their respective holders, I take no credit. And may the asshats at Syfy forever get gang raped by Centurions. So say we all.
Posted January 1, 2012 - Filed in Entertainment - #Entertainment  #cylon  #Caprica  #finale  #Apotheosis  #battlestar galatica  #Athenis  #KS  #81 
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