Forums » BSR-05 Excalibur - Canada

BSR-05 Excalibur CDF Canadian Chapter

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    • 2 posts
    April 17, 2013 10:57 PM EDT




    BSR-05 Excalibur is the Colonial Defense Forces countrywide Chapter for Canada, a mari usque a d mare, our endeavour is to support Battlestar Galactica fan initiatives all across the country.  Excalibur is the representative of the 11Th Fleet wich  cover all Canada.

    Our chapter virtual Flag Ship is a Valkyrie Class Battlestar. Colonial Defense Forces allow you to be a Fleet Officer, a pilot, a marine or an enlisted crewman in the fleet.  

    We need always new members , so if you want to be part of this Fleet and serve aboard the Excalibur, a nice and hightech Valkyrie Class Battlestar, one of the first commissioned in the CDF Fleet, you are welcome amongs us.



    To become a member of this Battlestar Fan Club group unfortunately only make of you a sympathiser.  To be part of the Canadian Chapter you have to fill the registration form of CDF: and request assignment to 11Th Fleet, BSR-05 Excalibur. 

    You can also find us trough our Facebook page:



    So say we all!


    Col. Landry

    BSR-05 Excalibur Actual

    11Th Fleet


    11Th Fleet area :  whole Canada

    Assigned members :  11

    Stand by for assignment: 4

    Honorary members: 3

    This post was edited by Harfang BSR-05 Excalibur CO at April 17, 2013 11:00 PM EDT