Your guide will show another symbol at your "mystery sea shore" on the northern finish of Animal Crossing Bells your island. On the off chance that you head there, you'll discover Redd's shanty little boat docked — not yet changed into a full shop and not yet available to you. Things being what they are, at that point, where is Redd? The main day he appears, Redd can be discovered meandering around your island so make certain to go searching for him
Converse with him and he'll acquaint himself with you, at that point offer to sell you a bit of craftsmanship for an astounding 498,000 Bells. Your solitary choices are to decay.
At that point, he'll give you an "uncommon" rebate, and drop the cost to 4,980 Bells. Somewhat more moderate, yes? This artistic creation will be an arbitrary one picked from a pool of canvases that are consistently certifiable, so you don't need to stress over it being phony or not! Redd will skim transforming that overview trawler he showed up in into a showroom.